Waste Management & Circular Economies

Waste management is an essential practise for protecting human health and the environment.  The effects of improper waste disposal are far-reaching and have long lasting effects on the health of our planet.  The Green Co and partners believe in the preservation of our environment and are passionate in the creation of circular economies.  We focus on the reduction of environmental risk, motivating change in the “throw away culture” of South Africa and doing things in a more sustainable  way.


Onsite Waste Management - Zero Waste to Landfill

General waste does necessarily pose a risk to the environment and no longer needs to be seen as waste, but rather as a circular or re-usable economy.  Our total waste management solution holistically addresses waste sorting, environmental management, recycling for rebates and cleaning services, offering clients a one stop shop for waste management and disposal that’s cost effective and efficient.  Our teams are trained in the accurate sorting of waste types, correct transport and disposal of all waste types.  All labour, equipment and signage is provided for a part of solution offered to our clients.

New advances in technology means that waste can now be re-cycled or even converted to energy.  The conversion of waste to energy, also termed “Refuse derived Fuel” (RDF) is a technology that delivers three fold.  

Waste to Energy benefits include reductions in non-recyclable plastic waste to landfill, lowered operations and carbon footprint as well as decrease in reliance on coal, gas and petroleum (non-renewable fuels.)

Waste Reduction, Recycling and Reuse

An important part of waste management is the ability to identify which waste can be recycled and how to recycle it.  A recycled product can be turned back into a raw form and can be used to create a new product.  Metals, glass, plastic and paper can all be recycled.  Recycling is an effective way of generating income.

Onsite waste sorting into colour coded bins means that waste is recycled at source and prepared for transport in bales or in other appropriate packaging mediums for safe transport.

Monthly recons of all recyclables are performed to determine the income earned on recycled product which is offset against our monthly service fee.  In other words, recycling means a reduction in service costs through the offset of collected and re-usable waste.

Natural resources on our planet are limited.  With our objective being zero waste to landfill we aim to divert as much waste from landfill as possible.

“Loss of biodiversity is a huge problem as it is responsible for the water we drink, air we breath and food we eat.  Preservation biodiversity is essential for survival.  Effective waste management has a huge role to play.  Only 10% of waste generated is recycled at this time.”

Hazardous Waste

Responding quickly to a Hazmat emergency can and will reduce any negative impact on the environment and lessens company financial burden.  Green Co and partners are highly trained to respond quickly and professionally.

Our highly trained 24/7 Hazmat division supplies specialised products, services and equipment for immediate containment on site.  We utilise the best neutralisation technologies for the safe disposal of hazardous waste.  Hazardous waste needs to be handled according to legislation and disposed of correctly at designated and compliant hazardous waste disposal sites.  

We offer clients peace of mind that their hazardous waste streams have been professionally transported, treated and disposed of and in the most environmentally friendly way. 

Biohazardous and Medical Waste

As leaders in the biohazardous waste removal arena, we are committed to staying abreast of the latest in hazardous waste removal techniques. 

We safely collect, transport and dispose of hazardous waste after testing the waste in a fully equipped and accredited laboratory.  Waste classifications and the issue of MSDS (material safety data sheets) are conducted and provided for.  We ensure full traceability and disposal certification within regulatory requirements for safe medical waste disposal.  (This includes class 1 hazardous waste to landfill.) 

We provide a fully integrated, environmentally friendly and legally compliant hazardous and biohazardous waste removal service. 

Mining and Industrial Waste

The volume of waste from mining operations is high and with high volumes of waste there are always environmental concerns.  The main objective in mine waste management is to manage the large volumes produced and to prevent the release of contaminants into the environment.

In the mining sector, overburden, slags, water treatment sludge, tailings and gaseous waste are the major concerns.  Slags can be profitably repurposed as aggregate in concrete and road construction.  

Water treatment sludge contains substance like cadmium and arsenic which are hazardous and need to be disposed of in the correct manner.  Specialised mining waste management services are needed to contain and collect waste at the point of production and to treat mining waste for safe disposal.

Even after reuse, most mining waste produced is stored in storage facilities.  The reclamation and long term management of such facilities are subject to regulation and need long term stability.  When mines are closed the tailings need to be contained and covered to prevent their escape into the environment so that surface or groundwater is not contaminated. 

The Green Co and partners are well positioned in the provision of products and services required for effective waste management in the mining sector.

With the global population expected to exceed nine billion people by 2050, with 2.5 billion living on the African continent, biodiversity is shrinking as waste is generated by the billions.”

The Green CO
Trusted Advisory

The Green Co and partners provide customised, innovative waste management and circular economy programs that are designed for our clients exact needs and sustainability goals.


The Green Co
Waste Management Solutions and Services

Onsite waste management

  1. Sorting, collection and transport of recyclable materials that are taken to specialist recycling service providers
  2. Monthly reconciliation of all recyclable materials collected
  3. Offset of recycled materials against invoicing of services provided
  4. Event cleanups
  5. E-waste bulk collection
  6. Hazardous waste management with incident management and documentation
  7. Risk and environmental assessments
  8. Site and soil rehabilitation
  9. Pesticide reduction and mitigation
  10. Specialised containment 
  11. Asbestos removal
  12. Biohazardous and medical waste removal
  13. Mining waste management
  14. Industrial waste management
  15. Sewage sludge treatment
  16. Removal and disposal of resins and chemical compounds, expired paint, PCB contaminated oil, laboratory chemicals, batteries, mercury containing waste, expired cosmetics and products,  production waste and oil sludge
  17. We supply the associated specialist equipment, products and signage as well as the associated cleaning services
  18. We also provide the vehicles for transport of any type of waste to its compliant destination.

Effective Waste Management Benefits

  1. The correct disposal of waste lowers the potential for pollution and contamination
  2. Reduces waste to landfill and incinerators
  3. Reducing waste will not only protect the environment but will also reduce costs associated with disposal
  4. Improved environmental health and reduction in greenhouse gases
  5. Economic gains
  6. Compliance with environmental legislation
  7. Enhanced resource efficiency
  8. Improved health and safety
  9. Recycling reduces the need of natural resource exploitation for raw materials
  10. Recovered materials can be used as valuable resource materials

“300 million tonnes of plastic is produced year with 8 million tonnes entering the sea – each year. That’s the equivalent to dumping the contents of one garbage truck into the ocean per minute!”

Oil & Hydrocarbon Spill Cleanups

The Green Co and partners remediate contaminated land and transport the waste to a compliant waste treatment and disposal facility, where the required treatment is applied prior to disposal. 

Bioremediation has been used successfully to remediate contaminated land and oil spills degrading over 95% of the pollution in just 8 weeks.  Treatment is based on spill coverage area and depth of soil penetration.  In shallow spills, treatment can be as simple as irrigating with diluted ACF-32 and water, and in deeper areas through injection holes with recycling of bioremediation through extraction pumps.

Further remediation plans need to comply with The National Environmental Management: Waste Act.  Our accredited laboratory will provide the assessments and classifications related to the contaminated land and waste types, on which the treatment plan will be constructed.  This is submitted to the Department of Environmental affairs for approval and implementation.


South Africa's dumping ground and throw away culture..........

South Africa leads in the generation of  the highest volumes of mismanaged plastic waste, ranked 11 on the list of 20 countries globally.  

Being in the top 20 would be great if it wasn’t so sad.  To make a difference we need to get rid of our “throw away” culture.

Waste holds value if re-used or repurposed.  It is estimated that 17 billion of waste has been disposed to landfill – resources that could have been re-used or repurposed.

South Africa has the opportunity to recycle 6.9 million tons each year if innovative recycling programs are implemented and if properly managed creates an entire economy and employment for many.

“Here’s a high-five to South African Urban Surfers who have taken their future into their own hands!”

They give new meaning to “one mans trash being another mans treasure”

The scale and impact of this new movement will surprise you!




About The Green Co

The Green Co Pty Ltd is a South African Registered Company specialising in sustainable Energy, Water, Waste and IT solutions.  Let’s see how we can help you reduce your utility consumption, enable cost savings, whilst lowering your Carbon Footprint.

We Are Here To Help You

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